Sunday, February 4, 2007

Benjamin’s Story: “Daily Resistance” by David

Benjamin’s Story: “Daily Resistance”

I was born in Germany as a Jew. That means that I am one of those Jews that have remained or returned to Europe and not turned their backs to the countries that persecuted and murdered their ancestors. I am giving Europe a second chance.
After the shoa most people thought Anti-Semitism could only be found in history books. I have been spat on and attacked while walking in the streets. We are protecting our Synagogues with the help of the police. Our Kindergartens need three metre high walls and camera surveillance. But the worst is the hidden Anti-Semitism that also prevails in many moderate people.
I have been accused by friends that Jews have too much influence in society and that we rule the financial world. This new wave of Anti-Semitism in all kind of facets is highly disappointing and forces many Jews to disguise their identity which often appears to the outside world as being exclusive.
I am a founding member of an Organisation called “Young and Jewish. My target in the recent years has been to re-establish Judaism in Germany. My work has been like cultivating a small flower. It is very vulnerable and can be crushed very easily. It is our task to cultivate it together so it will become a healthy and strong flower in the big garden of diversity.

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