Sunday, February 4, 2007

Beata’s Story: “Stereotypes” by Manuela

I am a young Roma woman, last year when I passed my final exam in the university I decided to celebrate this event with my friends.
We dressed up, prepared and we headed to the local disco club.
To our surprise when we got to the club the bodyguard informed us that we could not enter, because the club was full.
We were wondering, it was still early, and as we stood in front of the club we saw more people coming and entering without any difficulty.
We decided to approach the bodyguard again, and we asked him why other people were allowed to enter into the club when it is already full.
Suddenly, the bodyguard turned aggressive and he yelled at us “You gypsy prostitutes get out of here; otherwise I will call my friends who will kick your black asses!”.
We felt embarassed and we went home. The following morning we reported the incident to the local police, the response of the police officer was that “we should not worry too much about the incident because it was nothing personal against us, but it most probably happened because the owner of the club had bad experience in the past with beautiful Roma girls, who were stealing in the club!

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